Why the Opioid Crisis is an issue of Homeland Security | Homeland Security Degrees
Why the Opioid Crisis is an issue of Homeland Security | Homeland Security Degrees
While the final presidential debate brought up discussions around protecting our borders and deporting drug traffickers, Chris Wallace (and every other debate moderator this election cycle) never asked about how our presidential candidates will address the ……
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Two of Wisconsin’s leading crusaders against opioid abuse will speak at a power breakfast event on June 7 at the Sheraton Brookfield. Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel and Wis. State Rep. John Nygren will take part in a panel on the prescription drug crisis, discussing how to identify, predict and prevent abuse; ways to wean opioid abusers; and non-opioid treatment options for chronic pain. The event is open to the law enforcement community, public health officials and first responders, as well as medical professionals.
It will be hosted by Advanced Pain Management.
WHAT: Opioid Epidemic Panel Discussion
WHEN: 8 to 10 a.m. Tuesday, June 7, 2016 (registration and breakfast begins at 7:30)
WHERE: Brookfield Sheraton, 375 S. Moorland Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005 (262-364-1100)
WHO: Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, State Rep. John Nygren, US DEA Investigator Kathy Frederico, Dr. Nilesh Patel, and Arthur Thexton, JD WHY: According to the Center for Disease Control, there are nearly 19,000 opioid-related deaths every year in the United States. It is suspected that opioid addiction played a role in the recent death of music icon, Prince.
PANELISTS: State of Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel As Wisconsin’s attorney general, Schimel has fought against heroin, opioid abuse, human trafficking, domestic violence and Internet predators. He has been the driving force behind the award-winning “Dose of Reality” public service campaign. Wis. State Representative John Nygren (R-Marinette) State Rep. Nygren sponsored Wisconsin’s groundbreaking HOPE (Heroin Opioid Prevention & Education) legislation, which was signed into law by Gov. Walker as part of the state’s 2015-16 budget. Rep. Nygren is also co-chair of the powerful Joint Finance Committee. US DEA Regional Diversion Investigator Kathy Federico In addition to helping prevent pharmaceutical controlled substances from entering the illegal market, Ms. Federico is also responsible for developing and maintaining liaisons with the pharmaceutical industry, the DEA registrant community, and various law enforcement agencies, as well as DEA agent education. Nilesh Patel, MD One of Wisconsin’s pre-eminent pain specialists, Dr. Nilesh Patel regularly speaks to medical professional groups about non-narcotic pain treatments, how to wean pain patients off of narcotics and the warning signs to look for before prescribing narcotics. Dr. Patel is certified in treating opioid dependence and has a book in the works about prescription drug abuse and prevention. Arthur Thexton A health care attorney at Milwaukee law firm Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, Thexton is widely recognized as an expert in legal and ethical issues in prescribing controlled substances. He carries more than 30 years of litigation experience.
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