Showing all posts tagged "Homeland Security Degrees"
EyePyramid – Police arrests two for hacking into emails of politicians, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and masons | Homeland Security Degrees
EyePyramid – Police arrests two for hacking into emails of politicians, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and masons | Homeland Security Degrees
Two Italian siblings have been arrested by Italian Police and they were charged with a long-running cyber espionage campaign.
This is a very intriguing story, two Italian siblings Giulio and Francesca Maria Occhionero gave been arrested by Italian Police and they were charged with a long-running cyber espionage campaign that targeted Italian politicians, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and masons. The president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, two former Italian prime ministers, Matteo Renzi and Mario Monti, and also the Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi were victims of the cyber spies.
The suspects used a malware known as EyePyramid, a name that conjures to mind the Maso…
To learn more visit: Security Affairs
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Posted on January 12th, 2017
Intelligence, Foreign Policy Experts Support Commission to Probe Foreign Interference in Election | Homeland Security Degrees
Intelligence, Foreign Policy Experts Support Commission to Probe Foreign Interference in Election | Homeland Security Degrees
Fifteen bipartisan intelligence and foreign policy experts – including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and former 9/11 Commission Vice Chair and……
To learn more visit: Homeland Security Today
Sir Percy C. Spender, ambassador from Australia to the United States
Stephen A. Mitchell, American attorney and Democratic Party official. He served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 1952 to 1956, and was an unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor of Illinois in 1958.
W. Sterling Cole, Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from New York.
T. Coleman Andrews, accountant and an independent candidate for President of the United States.
T. Lamar Caudle, Justice Department official
Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski, Polish military leader. Komorowski was born in Lwów (now L’viv in Ukraine), in the Austrian partition of Poland. In the First World War he served as an officer in the Austro-Hungarian Army, and after the war became an officer in the Polish Army, rising to command the Grudziądz Cavalry School.
Thomas Coleman Andrews (February 19, 1899 — October 15, 1983) was an accountant and an independent candidate for President of the United States.
Andrews was born in Richmond, Virginia. After high school, he worked at a meat packing company in Richmond. He then worked with a public accounting firm and he was certified as a CPA in 1921. Andrews formed his own public accounting firm in 1922. He went on leave from his firm in 1931 to become the Auditor of Public Accounts for the Commonwealth of Virginia, a position he held until 1933. He also took leave in 1938 to serve as controller and director of finance in Richmond. Andrews served in the office of the Under-Secretary of War as a fiscal director. He joined the United States Marine Corps in 1943, working as an accountant in North Africa and in the Fourth Marine Aircraft Wing.
Andrews retired from his firms in 1953 to become the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. He left the position in 1955 stating his opposition to the income tax. Andrews ran for President as the States’ Rights Party candidate in 1956; his running mate was former Congressman Thomas H. Werdel. Andrews won 107,929 votes (0.17% of the vote) running strongest in the state of Virginia (6.16% of the vote), winning Fayette County, Tennessee and Prince Edward County, Virginia.
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Posted on January 12th, 2017
Trump’s Homeland Security pick is seen as the best man for the job, but they may not always get along | Homeland Security Degrees
Trump’s Homeland Security pick is seen as the best man for the job, but they may not always get along | Homeland Security Degrees
President-elect Donald Trump talks to media while standing with retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, right, November 20, 2016. AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster Despite the acrimony around many of President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet selections, the confirmation ……
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Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece shares some of her favorite holiday traditions. Then, stressed out and fighting cancer—a woman who wanted to give up has a dream come true on Christmas.
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Posted on January 12th, 2017
Emotion Recognition Technologies – Next Step in Security and Marketing | Homeland Security Degrees
Emotion Recognition Technologies – Next Step in Security and Marketing | Homeland Security Degrees×65.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="emotion recognition" srcset="×65.jpg 100w,×192.jpg 300w,×491.jpg 768w,×255.jpg 400w,×447.jpg 700w,×357.jpg 559w,×483.jpg 756w, http://i…;
To learn more visit: iHLS Israel Homeland Security
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Posted on January 11th, 2017
Microsoft Patches Flaws in Windows, Office, Edge | Homeland Security Degrees
Microsoft Patches Flaws in Windows, Office, Edge | Homeland Security Degrees
Microsoft has addressed vulnerabilities affecting Windows, Office and the Edge web browser, but the company’s January 2017 Patch Tuesday updates include only four security bulletins.
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Posted on January 11th, 2017
Innovative Vest for Law Enforcement Staff | Homeland Security Degrees
Innovative Vest for Law Enforcement Staff | Homeland Security Degrees
New technologies offer law enforcement officers various personal security solutions. Safariland, a leader in the armor market, has picked Honeywell’s Spectra Shield …
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Posted on January 10th, 2017
Sundown Exploit Kit Variant Distributes Cryptocurrency Miner | Homeland Security Degrees
Sundown Exploit Kit Variant Distributes Cryptocurrency Miner | Homeland Security Degrees
An atypical variant of the Sundown exploit kit (EK) was recently seen using a different infrastructure than previously known and distributing a cryptocurrency mining application, Malwarebytes Labs security researchers reveal.
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Posted on January 10th, 2017
New York Governor Proposes New Cyber Security Measures | Homeland Security Degrees
New York Governor Proposes New Cyber Security Measures | Homeland Security Degrees
Following the Intelligence Community report blaming Russia for both the Democratic National Committee hack in 2016, and for attempting to influence the presidential election in favor of Republican Donald Trump, the Democrat Governor of New York has now introduced new cyber security proposals to his January State of the State address.
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Posted on January 9th, 2017
KPMG: Cybercriminals Set to Get Creative in 2017 | Homeland Security Degrees
Posted on January 9th, 2017
Report that Antiquities Sales is Major ISIS Funding Source Disputed by Authorities | Homeland Security Degrees
Report that Antiquities Sales is Major ISIS Funding Source Disputed by Authorities | Homeland Security Degrees
In response to a recent To learn more visit: Homeland Security Today
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Posted on January 9th, 2017