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Waiting for a fix, stop using Netgear R7000 and R6400 routers to avoid hacks | Homeland Security Degrees
Waiting for a fix, stop using Netgear R7000 and R6400 routers to avoid hacks | Homeland Security Degrees
Waiting for security patches, the CERT/CC suggests to stop using Netgear R7000 and R6400 routers to avoid being hacked. Other routers potentially exposed.
IoT devices are privileged targets for threat actors, the Mirai botnet is the demonstration of the effects of a massive attack powered with smart objects, including routers, CCTV and DVRs.
Now the security experts are warning of serious security issues in two Netgear routers. The Netgear R7000 and R6400 routers are affected by a critical vulnerability that could be exploited by remote attackers to run malicious code with root privileges.
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Posted on December 10th, 2016
Yahoo Pays Out $10,000 Bounty for Critical Mail Flaw | Homeland Security Degrees
Yahoo Pays Out $10,000 Bounty for Critical Mail Flaw | Homeland Security Degrees
A researcher has earned $ 10,000 for finding a critical Yahoo! Mail vulnerability that could have been exploited simply by getting the targeted user to open a specially crafted email.
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Posted on December 10th, 2016
CASC Releases Minimum Requirements for Code Signing Certificates | Homeland Security Degrees
CASC Releases Minimum Requirements for Code Signing Certificates | Homeland Security Degrees
The Certificate Authority Security Council (CASC) this week announced that the Code Signing Working Group released a set of minimal requirements that Certificate Authorities (CAs) should use for code signing.
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Posted on December 10th, 2016
Germany Accuses Russia of Hybrid Warfare | Homeland Security Degrees
Germany Accuses Russia of Hybrid Warfare | Homeland Security Degrees
Russia has been accused of waging its own brand of cyber hybrid warfare against Germany, with specific focus on next year’s elections. In particular, the APT28 (Fancy Bear) hacking group — thought to be linked to the Russian government — is accused of spreading propaganda and disinformation under the guise of ‘hacktivists’.
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The Clean Power Plan Is a Great Way to Make the Poor Poorer
DC Has Lost Another Gun Rights Case
Can Two Polar Opposite Senators Muzzle the Federal Reserve?
Hundreds of deported immigrants with mental disabilities may return to US
One World Religion for the One World Government
Tell The Pope To Come Pickup Infowars
Pope Francis arrives in Philadelphia
US, Australia embassies warn of Malaysia terror threat
German nurse shocked after being forced out of flat to make way for refugees
US ‘preparing’ for hybrid warfare with Russia in Baltics – report
ISIS suspect, Saudi soldier killed in shootout: Interior Ministry
Senator: ‘If we stop training, arming jihadists, the war will end’
Nestlé Boss Wants to Bottle Even More Water in California Despite Drought
California Drought: Massive Reservoir Goes Bone Dry Overnight
1 in 3 ‘Syrian’ refugees have fake IDs, German authorities admit
Chinese Aircraft Carrier Reportedly Docks at Tartus, Syria
Statins: Heart disease drug speeds up ageing process, warns new research
Philly On Lockdown for The Pope
Cruz wins Values Voter Summit straw poll for third straight year
Police Officer Arrested, Accused of Murdering 2-Month-Old Son
Elton John, Pope Francis turned down Clinton Foundation invites
Bill Clinton accuses GOP, media of stoking email controversy
Nigeria Scores Rare Victory Against Boko Haram
Trump: GOP rivals want to ‘start World War III over Syria’
Now ISIS declares war on the TALIBAN in Afghanistan
Russia, Iran, Iraq & Syria setting up ‘joint information center’ to coordinate anti-ISIS operations
Bill Clinton: Trump could win nomination
The UN Wants To Censor The Entire Internet To Save Feminists’ Feelings
Government Finds Emails With David Petraeus That Hillary Clinton Didn’t Hand Over
Mark Zuckerberg Announces Project to Connect Refugee Camps to the Internet
Constitution Violated In Front of Constitution Center
Rumors Persist That The CIA Helps Export Opium From Afghanistan
Pro-Life Advocate: Planned Parenthood ‘Preys’ On Young Women
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Assad’s Enemies May Be Portrayed As Opposition, But He Fights Terrorists – Putin
France Fires First Airstrikes on Extremists in Syria
How Antibiotics Disrupt Intestinal Flora
Efforts To Stop Foreign ISIS Recruitment Are Failing
Swallowed by the Sea: Giant Sinkhole Opens in Australia, Engulfs Vehicles
60 Minutes of Putin: Assad Combats Terrorism, US-Backed Fighters Join ISIL
Smoke and Mirrors: Numerous Facts Prove US is Sinking in Poverty
Pope Francis Lashes Out: Praises Illegal Aliens While Attacking Donald Trump
9/11 Firefighter Blows WTC 7 Cover-Up Wide Open
Putin Says U.S. Proxy War in Syria Violates International Law
Anti-ISIS Artwork Banned from ‘Free Speech’ Event after Outcry from London Police
Tomorrow: Putin to Meet Obama at UN General Assembly in New York
Pope Claims Jesus Failed On The Cross
— 09/27/2015
Thanks to Alex Jones and the whole INFOWARS Crew.
Ron Gibson (9-27-15)
Also Try These Shows On My Channel:
The Alex Jones Show Commercial Free Video
The Alex Jones Show AUDIO PODCAST Podcast
INFOWARS Nightly News
What Really Happened Radio Show with Michael Rivero (Mike Rivero)
USA Prepares Radio Show with Vincent Finelli
Video Rating: / 5
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Posted on December 9th, 2016
Israeli TV broadcast hacked, attackers played Muslim call to prayer | Homeland Security Degrees
Israeli TV broadcast hacked, attackers played Muslim call to prayer | Homeland Security Degrees
On Tuesday night, a group of unknown hackers took control of the Israeli TV broadcast Channel 2 and played Muslim call to prayer.
On Tuesday night, a group of hackers took control of an Israeli news Channel 2 and played Muslim call to prayer. The hackers want to protest a controversial bill that limits the volume of the call to prayer from mosques.
The hackers broke into the Israeli TV broadcast and disrupted the transmissions after gained access to TV satellites.
According to Israeli media, the hacker appeared to be from Saudi Arabia
Posted on December 9th, 2016
Malwarebytes Replaces Antivirus with New Version 3.0 | Homeland Security Degrees
Malwarebytes Replaces Antivirus with New Version 3.0 | Homeland Security Degrees
Antivirus is a misnomer. Antivirus companies are no longer just antivirus; but the name has stuck. Everybody accepts that antivirus alone is no longer enough to keep computers and networks safe — but because of the misnomer, new next-gen machine learning endpoint protection vendors have been able to take center stage as antivirus replacement products.
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Remove Virus in Safe Mode with Command Prompt
In this video we will take a look at the new tool from Tigzy, its called RogueKillerCMD. It works in the same way as RogueKiller, but this tool runs in CMD Command Line, its a great way of removing infected files from your computer system while in command prompt, its another great tool to have in your malware removal tool box, to help you fight against malware, trojans, rogues, ransomware and many many more.
This is just a simple guide on how to run a scan and remove a ransom from a infected computer.
Video Rating: / 5
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Posted on December 8th, 2016
#IMCUS: Attracting the New Cybersecurity Specialist Takes Soft Skills | Homeland Security Degrees
Posted on December 8th, 2016
Assessing Autonomous Vessels Anti-Collision Mechanism | Homeland Security Degrees
Assessing Autonomous Vessels Anti-Collision Mechanism | Homeland Security Degrees" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="110720-N-ZZ999-007 FORT MONROE, Va. (July 20, 2011) A common unmanned surface vehicle patrols for intruders during Trident Warrior 2011. The experimental boat can operate autonomously or by remote. The Trident Warrior experiment, directed by U.S. Fleet Forces Command, temporarily deploys advanced capabilities on ships to collect real-world data and feedback during an underway experimentation period. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Scott Youngb…
To learn more visit: iHLS Israel Homeland Security
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Posted on December 8th, 2016
Future of nuclear energy unclear | Homeland Security Degrees
Future of nuclear energy unclear | Homeland Security Degrees
To learn more visit: Homeland Security News Wire
New Mexico’s WIPP – Waste Isolation Pilot Plant – Documentary – The WIPP Trail
Published on Sep 28, 2012 by MrJmccammon
Primer for upcoming episodes of Fukushima and Beyond – Nuclear Waste by High Country Cow Punk.
Alternative Views Episode 427
1989 “The WIPP Trail” Originally Produced by Alternative Information Network
Produced by Frank Morrow
Hosts Frank Morrow and Doug Kellner
Transfer from glorious magnetic tape, Enjoy (IF you listen closely one can hear the hum of mechanical tracking, ah the good old days)
A documentary showing the ravages of nuclear power and nuclear bomb testing
on the people and environment, particularly in the New Mexico area. “The
WIPP Trail” provides statements from both sides, which reveal governmental
collusion with the nuclear industry. Funny there is a Roswell connection!
Creative Commons License: Attribution-Non-Commercial- Share Alike 3.0 USA
Redistribute This! Clips taken from video O.K. but must remain non-commercial and attribution necessary.
“The WIPP Trail” Copyright 1989
Copyright October, 1990
source video WIPP – Waste Isolation Pilot Plant – Documentary – The WIPP Trail
New Mexico nuclear waste site has ‘radiological event’
Published time: February 16, 2014 09:36
***SEE ALSO***: Insight New Mexico – Don Hancock on WIPP Leak Nuclear Expert: Hydrogen explosion suspected as cause of WIPP plutonium release — Meeting: Are more lids going to blow? Seeing how top of drum blew off has me concerned it isn’t ‘low level’ — Former DOE Expert: US will inevitably shift to storing radioactive waste on surface after this
Officials: Leakage seen on “many” nuclear waste drums in WIPP underground — We think the seals have degraded — Public “should be concerned” about another explosion — 1,000s of radioactive drums now seen as too risky to move
Concern over “full plutonium flash” at WIPP nuclear site triggering disaster that spreads to multiple waste drums — Plutonium-239 is main radioactive isotope in container that exploded — Anonymous Employee: The warnings were ignored… “They put us in danger”
Top Science Journal: “Time bombs” at WIPP nuclear site? “High alert over risk of new explosions” in hundreds of plutonium-contaminated drums — AP: 4 years may be needed just to seal off area where drums stored — Experts go down to check if ground ‘still stable’
New emails reveal concern over plutonium chain reaction in WIPP containers — “There shouldn’t be a ‘significant’ reaction… criticality safety issues are not my area of expertise” — “Significant amount of plutonium” — No mention of kitty litter
Experts: Gov’t may never stabilize hundreds of explosive drums of radioactive waste stored at WIPP — Nuclear dump now at risk of closing permanently — Ruined for good by kitty litter?
AP: Ticking time bombs of nuclear waste at multiple U.S. sites? Lab checking for smoking drums — CNN: “Imminent threat from radiation” — Gundersen: Serious public health effects if one blows; “Very, very volatile… like nitroglycerin”
Officials now admit over 500 barrels of nuclear waste at risk of bursting open — AP: 368 already at WIPP dump — “New Mexico sees ‘imminent’ danger” — State orders WIPP to prevent “health or environmental threat”; Must ‘permanently seal’ underground storage areas
CBS “Potential ‘imminent’ threat from New Mexico nuclear waste” — Official: Risk of “substantial endangerment” to public health — 57 barrels of nuclear waste could rupture, came from multiple gov’t labs — ‘Unclear’ how many are now at WIPP — Being monitored for rise in temperature (VIDEO)
Expert: ‘Cracked’ nuclear container “blew top off” at WIPP — Hundreds more drums at dump risk ‘energetic reaction’ and radiation release — Insider: Get forklift and remove them before another accident — Official: No ‘imminent’ public threat ‘at this time’
‘Kitty litter’ blamed for explosive nuclear leak at WIPP — “Incredibly important to act quickly” — ‘All these drums’ are at risk, including at other sites — Must be gathered ‘right away’ before they also burst — Summer heat will increase instability — Storage rooms must be sealed off to contain future ‘events’
WIPP nuclear site may close for several years — Explosion in multiple drums suspected — “Very much a cause for concern” — Top official gives ‘fiery speech’ calling for public to be told what has happened — DOE refuses to name source of nuclear waste
Officials: “Grossly disturbed… disintegrated.. destroyed” bags found above nuclear material inside WIPP — “Anomaly in waste stack” — Chemical reaction suspected based on recent findings
Strange Events in Gov’t WIPP Report: Emergency personnel needed for ‘reddish-brown vapors’ observed after ‘unplanned, excessive exothermic reaction’
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Posted on December 7th, 2016
Cybersecurity – Major Part of Homeland Security Cooperation | Homeland Security Degrees
Cybersecurity – Major Part of Homeland Security Cooperation | Homeland Security Degrees
The US and Israel have been increasing cybersecurity cooperation, over the backdrop of the growing threats in the cyber world, including the …
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Posted on December 7th, 2016